How to Submit Article to Us

Article can be anything related to Petrophysics, Career in Petrophysics, and whatnot

For those who want to create an article in this post, the easiest way is by forking/ clone this repo to your repo, and submit request. To do that, please check the following suggestions:

  1. Clone the official website repo to your local files:

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  1. Navigate to the folder, and check if files is available, it should look something like this:

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  1. Open this directory with your favorite editor ( I recommend VSCode).

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  1. Go to files explorer tab on the left, select posts, right-click on one of the folder, and create a copy under the same folder.

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  1. Rename the new folder following the same consession as previous folder 002-this-is-a-title.

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  1. Go to index.qmd file under the folder, and start editing the article. Start by changing the title, description, author, etc.

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  1. You can go back and forth between source-code mode and visual-mode, given that you have Quarto installed.

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  1. In visual-mode you can edit, copy-paste image from clipboard easily without editing the code which I find quite useful when dealing with a quick draft. Visual-mode has a good GUI for those who less accustomed to source code/ markdown. The tab at the top is to change header, bold, italic, adding numbered list, insert image, etc.

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  1. Once ready, you can check if the result is as what you expected by writing quarto preview under the terminal. It will open the link in a new browser tab.

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  1. This is a preview mode, so any changes you made will appear on the browser.


  1. For example, If I change the title, it will also changed in the preview browser.

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  1. Once ready, please stop the quarto preview by hitting Ctrl-C. Render the website by writing quarto render in the terminal, and just add-commit-push the edited repo to the website repo for request.

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Any questions, please contact the collaborator in Linkedin

Aditya Arie Wijaya or Epo Kusumah